
PCSN Conference

We are excited to finally confirm that the PCSN Conference is all go for 28-30th March 2025 in Whangaparaoa.  We have been working away in the background for some time with planning and preparation and are genuinely excited with the awesome line up of speakers, theme, fellowship and fine food in a fantastic location. 

An amazing team has been working hard in the background for you and have put registrations at basement level for the weekend.  We would love to have you join us and encourage you to start making plans, booking leave and flights so that you can attend. We often hear people saying they weren’t able to make it because they couldn’t get leave etc, so with plenty of advance notice and planning we want to create the opportunity for as many staff as possible to be blessed by this awesome opportunity. This isn’t a Ned Flanders gathering but a vital place to inspire you in your faith and work.

Feedback from the last conference at Christchurch in 2023 was exceptional, and many said it was genuinely something special for a range of reasons. If you want a reminder of the value of the PCSN Conferences read through snippets from some of the feedback beneath. So many times staff say they weren’t too fussed or motivated about getting to conferences, and then after going to one wondered why they had not gone sooner. See beneath under ‘Last Conference’ for the amazing feedback from the Christchurch 2023 conference.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Conference Date – Friday 28th to Sunday 30th March 2025
  • Conference Location – Whangaparaoa Baptist, 733 Whangaparaoa Road, Whangaparaoa, Auckland
  • Theme – “Let There Be Light” (Psalm 119 v130) i.e. in a time of great darkness we need God’s light, found in Jesus and flowing from His Word, we are called to be the light of the world.
  • Speakers are confirmed as Alfred Ngaro, Petra Bagust and Michael Jones
  • Accommodation will be at Police Association Holiday homes, a Community Marae, Billeting and local Motels
  • There are billeting options with Christchurch staff who will be attending conference
  • Flights to Auckland for the conference dates are currently cheap as chips with multiple options available
  • Shuttles will be available on Friday to transport people from the airport to their accommodation, and on Sunday to get out to the airport.
  • Book your flights and arrange your accommodation early to get the best deals
  • Welfare support is available on application to the NCG


Registrations fees are as follows:

Individual full weekend = $80
Couple full weekend = $140
Day rate per person = $50

Please pay via bank transfer to 03-1796-0383311-000

Please remember to make payment into bank account 03-1796-0383311-000 using your QID as the reference.
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PCSN Conference 2023

It was such a long journey to finally be able to get to have the PCSN Conference from 24-26th March 2023 in Christchurch…but it was so worth the wait.  It had been a long process getting through all of the covid cancellations and related issues, but after 2 years planning we finally got to do conference.  The 2020 conference at RNZPC was the epitome of what we are trying to do and we always new that this would be hard to beat.  However without reservation though, Christchurch conference exceeded expectations and beautifully built on what occurred in 2020.  We try not to run conferences for the sake of it, but rather to build into the network and build up the people who attend.  It was an extraordinary gathering that blessed all who attended.  A huge ‘hats off’ to the team in Christchurch who put conference together and in particular to Bruce Ward who carried a significant load.  Also a huge thanks to the Police Executive who provided significant support for staff to get to conference in challenging economic times.

Our speakers were top notch with Norm McLeod beautifully passing the baton, Daz Chettle was exceptional and Geoff Woodcock completely blew people’s expectations with many saying, ‘who is this guy?’  It is so hard to encourage people why they should make the effort to come to a PCSN conference.  Experience has shown me that this task is very challenging, because everyone’s busy, and this appears to be ‘just another conference.’  Coppers just like staying in their lane and keeping their heads down when it comes to matters of faith.  However whenever someone does muster up the courage and make the effort to come, there first comment is invariably something along the lines of, ‘Why did I wait so long!’  It seems word of mouth is one of the truly effective tools in encouraging people in relation to the value of PCSN conferences, hence why it is worth sharing some feedback from this conference with you:

  • I don’t even know where to start, perhaps we will start with Good Morning in the name of JESUS.  I honestly feel very emotional writing this.  I’m still on a high from the weekend conference.  I debated with myself for so long if I should go or not and GOD really pushed me to come to the conference.  This was the most powerful experience I have ever encountered.  It was such a beautiful fellowship and now more than ever I’m in love with Christ. I knew I loved him but this experience has made me fall in love with him even more and more.  My heart is filled with joy, what a  blessing.  I just want to say thank you all for organising this event.  I couldn’t say thank you enough for the speakers we had, just wow!  Amazing.  This was a healing process for me as well.  This is what I was searching for and longing for.  The impact that it has had on me personally is astounding.  I am humbled, grounded and at peace. I’m filled with love and true joy.  Thank you to you and the committee for all the hard work that goes on in the background.  Bless you ALL.  I’m forever grateful to GOD for this platform that we have.  God is Good!  This was a wonderful event.  It is one I will never forget.  It was a powerful experience - Tia

  • Firstly I would like to THANK YOU for allowing and making things happen for my husband and I to attend the awesome conference!  I wasn’t going to come to Conference if my Husband wasn’t coming, I have been so hungry to get back into the presence & word of God.  I haven’t been back to church in about three years now so the conference was a huge weekend of conviction.  My Husband was definitely against coming because he wasn’t comfortable but he came anyways and on our last day of conference he said “Man I’m so glad I ended up coming because this has been so good, God is so good”.  The conference for us was definitely both REFRESHING & EMPOWERING.  We loved hearing from the speakers !  Learning, hearing and feeling Gods love through them was just so overwhelming.  We came to Christchurch spiritually empty and I was anxious my husband wouldn’t take anything back from Conference but God really said “Stop doubting me”.  For the first time ever since being back, my husband and I have started to pray more not just in the mornings when we wake up and before we go to bed but instead throughout the day we find ourselves praying to God at work and my husband comes home and tells me “I’ve prayed more in the last 2 weeks since Christchurch than I have ever prayed in my whole life and I’ve been attending church for the last 7 years”.  My younger brother has been having a hard time with his mental health lately & attempted to 1X a couple    of nights ago and thank God he is still here with us, my siblings & cousins all came together and spoke with him, encouraged him, reminded him to call out to God & that God loves him.  For the first time ever I started us off with a prayer (keep in mind the only time we link up nowadays is to drink) so obviously a few giggled uncomfortably.  Anyways we ended our family meeting with laying hands over my younger brother (another first for us) and praying over him and his life. Such a powerful moment for my family, my heart is still so overwhelmed, we start with God & end with God always.  Praying for God to continue to renew our minds and hearts so that we may turn to him for everything & not just when we’re in trouble.  A huge thanks to you and the team again for setting up the conference and creating the space for us to come together and fellowship.  Our organisation is blessed to have such an anointed Man of God.  Much Love & Blessings - Ana

  • Renewed my Christian walk with a bit more earnest.  Enabled me to be brave by sending a message to an atheist friend which I think has led to deeper conversations.  All the preachers and musicians were good but my favourite was Daz; just seemed to resonate with him a bit more.  Well worth flying to Christchurch for - Peter

  • This conference blew my mind as to its content and organization.  The speakers they brought were the perfect mix to speak to us as Police officers.  For the first time after a Christian conference, my wife and I feel empowered to really take the message of Christ to those we encounter in life and occupation.  I will make every effort to attend the next conference as it gave me a reason to continue Policing for Christ - Daniel

  • Epic weekend!  I’ve been mentally working on something more expansive than these two simple words but I think it’s still going to boil down to the same two words…EPIC WEEKEND!!  Soo much to be grateful for.  Trying to capture it in words is a good struggle to have 🙏  Watch this space…In the words of Arnie Jesus “I’ll be back” 🤗- Brigid

  • OML what an amazing experience we had in Christchurch.  God definitely showed up, from the beginning of the conference with the Commissioner setting the tone and sharing the Word, I am so blessed to be working in an organisation where we can prioritise God in the workplace.  I was especially impacted by Geoff Woodcock, I got all his books, and read about the work he is doing and done in Pakistan.  As well as Chaz’s book ‘From the Pub to the Pulpit’ which I have just started and will pass onto anyone else after.  All the key speakers were amazing. The sharing of communion on Sunday was completely on point and I loved the delivery, so aligned with the whole weekends theme. I’m on the road in checking what we (JC and I) do when I’m in conflict with daily life and decisions. - Maria

  • Still buzzing over conference, can’t believe I’ve been set free.  Just want to live on Gods love and His truth - Joseph

  • My feedback from conference is generally overwhelmingly positive…the venue, host, speakers, worship, food, MC! Was all amazing, my wife and I both agreed that it was an awesome time of blessing, learning and growth - Ryan

Revive 2020

Feedback from the last conference at RNZPC in 2020 was exceptional, and many said it was genuinely something special for a range of reasons. If you want a reminder of the value of the PCSN Conferences read through snippets from some of the feedback beneath. So many times staff say they weren’t too fussed or motivated about getting to conferences, and then after going to one wondered why they had not gone sooner:

  • Much thanks to the organising team for an amazingly incredible event! Talk about over and above expectations!...we’re all STILL BUZZING! The speakers. Wowsa! World Kingdom class. Weighty. Inspiring.
  • The programme was intense but intensely good. I left the conference with my hunger satisfied but my appetite whetted for more!!
  • Thank you for putting on the best conference I have attended so far. (We) have come away pumped…
  • What an amazing experience!! Loved every minute of it, have nothing but praise for everyone involved, great speakers, pumping band, yummy food, great time meeting other staff and creating new connections, special thanks to the wonderful staff who helped put it all together. The weekend was jam packed and full of power, such an privilege to be part of this group and feeling so much more confident in sharing my faith with other staff. My first year attending having been with Police for 4 years so missed the last one, only just. Looking forward to the next one and excited to bring my husband along. I’ve got so much more to say but I’ll leave it at that.
  • Well done! I know that the wonderful weekend we were all just blessed by was the work of God, but it took a whole lot of faith, energy and obedience on your part to make it happen. WHAT AN AWESOME CONFERENCE. Well done. I really enjoyed it on so many levels. Good ministry, great worship, met so many neat people, and a very comfortable location. I loved the whole thing, although the testimonies took it to a whole new level for me.
  • Thank you so much for everything you put into that conference, it was phenomenal and we both walked away from that weekend empowered, inspired and on fire for God as a couple. I was challenged in my faith to step closer to God by praying together as a couple – doing so has brought our relationship to a whole new level. We were also challenged to make a difference in the workplace and not let the opinions of others in us being Christian affect us. The day of Lucky’s testimony.…was one of the many highlights of the weekend. I think most the auditorium was in tears. I’ve been in the Police 7.5 years, I just wish I had attended prior conferences - and we both can’t wait for the next one. Once again thank you and the team for putting together such a fantastic event.
  • God is so amazing, and I smile to myself at what a wonderful God we serve. The Police conference this year certainly revived my spirit, and reminded me of how grateful I am to be working in an organisation that supports fellow Christians and being a child of God. The line-up of the speakers were extraordinary and I am inspired by Jade and Norm in particular.
  • We just feel so privileged to be part of such an monumental event truly God ordained! On behalf of my wife and myself I’d like to say thank you to you all who made this conference happen. I know these things don’t just happen and somebody else’s efforts and sacrifices made it so easy and enjoyable for us. From the moment we arrived we were greeted by friendly registration volunteers and the atmosphere in the mess hall was friendly and relaxed. The worship team were awesome and the song choice was excellent. Great worship times. The speakers and messages were fantastic. It was a real privilege to have Pastor Norm McLeod involved in a large part of the conference speaking but we also enjoyed hearing Lucky Te Koha, Jade Hohaia and David Tua. They were dynamic speakers. I don’t think I can put my finger on one thing that touched me about the conference but I feel stirred to press into God and see what He does in my workplace and personal life…of us has been impacted by God for good. My wife really enjoyed the conference and she was initially reluctant to come as she feels that ‘Police’ events are not very family oriented or welcoming. This was not the case for our conference and as she is Maori, it was encouraging to have Maori speakers and honouring of Maori throughout the conference in other ways. Thanks again.

Kawerau 2016

Taupo 2015

Auckland 2014

Lower Hutt 2012

Ngaruawahia 2011

Christchurch 2011

Manukau 2010

Wanganui 2009