
Police Christian Support Network Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 The Police Christian Support Network exists to support and encourage Christian staff employed by NZ Police.

2. Rationale

2.1 The Christian Support Network (‘the Network’) is established to support the exchange of information,
contacts and experience for the purpose of promoting the well-being of Christians employed by NZ Police. 

3. Aims

3.1 The Network aims to:
(i) Establish a means of connecting Christian staff;
(ii) Support staff who wish to participate in Network activities to maintain and nurture their faith;
(iii) Assist staff to work through faith-based issues that might arise in the workplace.

4. Membership and Activities

4.1 Involvement in any activities associated with the Network will always be voluntary. There will be no formal membership. Interested staff can decide whether they wish to be entered onto an e-mail database for ongoing communication.

4.2 The Network is non-denominational. It is established to support Christians in the workplace, rather than replace personal involvement in churches or community events.

4.3 It does not exist to proactively convert other staff to Christianity.

4.4 Within the terms of reference, what happens within the Network will not be nationally prescribed. It is a staff-directed initiative that will be locally needs driven, with occasional activities connected nationally.

Examples of activities that could take place within the Network include:

- Friendship support and encouragement
- Prayer
- Speakers and discussion groups 
- Discussion of faith/work issues 
- Service to others
- Social events 
- Wider family/whanau support 
- Camps/conferences

4.5 It is not anticipated that the activities of the Network will interfere with the performance of duties. In general it is anticipated that Network activities will be held outside work time, and Network members and participants will meet resource needs and costs.

4.6 Any work time sought for Network activities, costs or resources not detailed for approval in this terms of reference (see 8.1, 8.2) will need to be considered for approval by the appropriate District Commander or National Manager. If approved, any time and resources will always remain subordinate to operational requirements.

5. Restricted Activities

5.1 Staff involvement in the Network will not compromise NZ Police values, mission and goals and will not intentionally or unintentionally disadvantage any other members or groups within NZ Police.

5.2 The Network will not endorse any activity that sits outside its terms of reference, nor will it act as an independent lobby group within or external to NZ Police. Normal work channels (through District Commanders/National Managers or the HR Manager EEO and Diversity) will be used to bring any issues to the attention of the organisation.

5.3 Individual Network participants will not be permitted to:
- Issue any public statement that associates them or their views with NZ Police;
- Lobby as a representative of the Network or other Network members;
- Place undue pressure on individuals to participate in the Network;
- Identify any work equipment, uniform, or correspondence connected with their Police work with the Network (apart from correspondence directly relating to the activities and aims of the Network);
- Express views at any external meeting, workshop,conference or seminar on behalf of the Network or NZ Police. Any views expressed must be personal only.

5.4 Subject to the restrictions above, involvement in the Network does not prevent members of Police applying for approval to attend and participate in forums to officially represent NZ Police nor impact on their ability to network and socialise informally.

6. Relationship to other Support Services

6.1 The focus of the Network is to provide peer support rather than draw from established professional support services within the organisation. Its focus is distinct from the NZ Police Chaplaincy and Welfare services. However, the Network will link with these services when appropriate. There is no expectation nor obligation on any staff, chaplains or welfare officers to participate in any Network activities.

7. National and Local Co-ordination and Support

7.1 A National Co-ordination Group (4-5 members) will provide oversight and national co-ordination of the Network. A nominated chairperson will take the major leadership and administration role.

The group will include representation from sworn, non-sworn and operational staff and will meet twice per year. The group will function to:establish a database of key contacts in each District or Service Centre; establish and maintain the intranet site (see 8.2); be responsible for all national communications; monitor the activities of the Network nationally to ensure that the terms of reference are being followed; co-ordinate the publication of a national newsletter (e-mailed to staff who have requested a copy); provide reports and co-ordinate feedback for the annual review by the HR Manager EEO and Diversity as requested.

7.2 Each District and Service Centre will have one staff member as the local Christian Support Network contact (if the demand for the Network is evident). Each District/Service Centre contact person will :maintain the local e-mail database of interested staff in the District or Service Centre; be responsible for all District or Service Centre communications; monitor the local activities of the Network to ensure that the terms of reference are being followed; report to the National Co-ordination Group about Network activities or issues as requested.

8. NZ Police Resource Support

8.1 The following resources will be provided by NZ Police for the operation of the Christian Support Network. However, all requests below will always be subordinate to operational requirements (see 4.5)

(i) National Co-ordination Group chairperson - limited work time off as required to carry out responsibilities (to be negotiated with manager prior to appointment).
(ii) Other members of the National Co-ordination Group - release for twice yearly meetings with the possibility of other work time release in relation to any other national responsibilities required (to be negotiated with individual managers).
(iii) Use of phone/photocopiers for national communications when required.
(iv) Use of meeting space for meetings twice a year at RNZPC (or other suitable location).
(v) Requests for travel assistance to national co-ordination meetings will be made on an individual basis to individual District Commanders/Training Service Centre Managers. 

8.2 The following communication support will be provided by NZ Police for the operation of the Christian Support Network. 
(i) A site on the Intranet (HR Support Services) to include a brief statement outlining the aims of the Network, copies of national newsletters, contact information of the National Co-ordination Group members and contact information of each District and Service Centre contact staff member.
(ii) The use of the National Bulletin Board when required. Any use of the National Bulletin Board will be discussed and approved through the HR Manager EEO and Diversity before being submitted.
(iii) The use of Lotus Notes for key communications about Network activities.

8.2 Other resource requests, such any support requests from the contact in Districts or Service Centres will be made through the process identified in 4.5.

9. Annual Review of the Network

9.1 The HR Manager EEO and Diversity will review the Christian Support Network’s activities annually for assessment against the terms of reference and will identify any required changes for its ongoing existence as a support group for NZ Police staff.

9.2 The Network National Co-ordination Group will work with District and Service Centre contacts to report and monitor the activities of the Network to ensure that activities remain within the terms of reference. The National Co-ordination Group will provide reports to the HR Manager EEO and Diversity as and when requested.